Skin Tag, Milia, Oil Seeds Laser Removal

Skin Tags are small pieces of skin or flesh that grow from the surface of the skin. They are referred to as “skin tabs” or barnacles by some. They usually occur on the base of the neck, underarms, eye lids, groin folds, and under the breasts. They are a benign condition, however for some individuals, they pose a cosmetic concern and are thus removed. Skin tags can vary in appearance from their color to the texture, yet they tend to be connected to the skin by a small stalk. Early on, they may appear as small and flattened, pinhead-sized bumps, about 2-5 mm in diameter. On rare occasions, they can grow to become quite large (such as a few centimeters in diameter).

To treat skin tags, a Laser Removal device is used to generate heat which is used to increase the temperature of the cells within the targeted area. As a result, the cells are eliminated and the skin tag is removed.